TESEO 55º Teseo blade M2N 55 SA1A - 550 058 501 / HTT-501/ HTT-055T / 55º - compatible for Teseo... HTT-501 €16.80 Equivalent to Teseo M2N 45 SA1A - 500 060 300 * Extra Long Life * Teseo blade M2N 45 SA1A - 500 060 300 / HTT-300 / HTT-045T / 45º - HM knife compatible for Teseo automated cutting machine Description: For cutting all types of geometries of low complexity at low speed. Thickness: 1 mm. Tools: Oscillating electric tool (Testina). Composition:Tungsten... Add to cart
TESEO 45º Teseo blade M2N 45 SA1A - 500 060 300 / HTT-300 / HTT-045T / 45º - HM knife compatible... HTT-300 €16.80 Equivalent to Teseo M2N 45 SA1A - 500 060 300 * Extra Long Life * Teseo blade M2N 45 SA1A - 500 060 300 / HTT-300 / HTT-045T / 45º - HM knife compatible for Teseo automated cutting machine Description: For cutting all types of geometries of low complexity at low speed. Thickness: 1 mm. Tools: Oscillating electric tool (Testina). Composition:Tungsten... Add to cart
TESEO 1,5 mm Teseo blade M2N 75 S - 535100700 / HTT-700 / 75º - compatible knife for Teseo automated... HTT-700 €21.80 Blade Equivalent to Teseo M2N 75 S - 535100700 * Long Life * Teseo blade M2N 75 S - 535100700 / HTT-700 / 75º - compatible knife for Teseo automated cutting machine Description: Blade at 75º for cutting extremely small geometries in leather and synthetic materials. Thickness: 1,5 mm. Tools: Oscillating electric tool (Testina). Composition:Tungsten... Add to cart
SIGMA 200TH Teseo SIGMA 200FH - 2000x6710x4 mm / High density cutting belt for conveyor system HTUL-040SGA200FH €678.21 High Quality Conveyor Belt. Specially developed for a high quality cutting and accuracy exigencies, offer a high air transmission level, a strong grip coefficient and a optimum resistance to the cut (long life). Specially recommended for an intensive productive activity. !IMPORTANT! CUTTING SURFACE DIMENSIONS MAY VARY FROM THE EXACT MEASUREMENTS... View
TESEO PUNCHES Teseo HTTP-060 / Compatible HSS Punching tool for perforated cut HTTP-060 €16.50 Description: Punch for perforated cutting in Teseo machines. Materials: Leather, fabrics and cardboard. Diameter Ø: 6,0 mm. Base: 8 mm. Add to cart
BELTS Strap 432 MXL for the oscillating module - ø 6.5 mm 251444CORTES007CA €8.10 Strap 432 MXL for the oscillating module - ø 6.5 mm Add to cart
SPARE PARTS Double gear for the aspiration module 251444REPTES020CA €4.05 Double gear for the aspiration module Add to cart
SPARE PARTS Gear of the aspiration module 251444REPTES018CA €4.05 Gear of the aspiration module Add to cart