ZÜND KNIVES ZÜND BLADES Zund Blade Type 3 / 3910303 / HTZ-type3 compatible for Zund automated cutting machine HTZ-type3 €3.45 Equivalent Type 2 / 3910303 Zünd Blade Type 3 / 3910303 / HTZ-type3 compatible knife for Zünd automated cutting machine Description: HSS drag blade. Thickness: 0,63 mm. Tools: Universal Cutting Tool (UTC). Composition: HSS - High speed steel. Materials: Polyester fabric Official Zünd price list 3,90 EUR QuantityPriceSave!official price list20... Add to cart
ZÜND KNIVES - 0,63 mm THICK Zund Blade Type 2 / 3910302 / HTZ-type2 compatible for Zund automated cutting machine HTZ-type2 €3.30 Equivalent Type 2 / 3910302 Zünd Blade Type 2 / 3910302 / HTZ-type2 compatible knife for Zünd automated cutting machine Description: HSS drag blade. Thickness: 0,63 mm. Tools: Universal Cutting Tool (UTC). Composition: HSS - High speed steel. Materials: Polyester fabric Official Zünd price list 3,60 EUR Quantity Price Save! official... Add to cart
MULTILAYER LECTRA KNIVES Vector 2500 Lectra knife / 801220 / HTL-vector2500 / compatible for Lectra automated... HTL-vector2500 €8.15 Equivalent Lectra Vector 2500 / 801220 Vector 2500 Lectra knife / 801220 / HTL-vector2500 / compatible for Lectra automated cutting machine Description: Multi-layer flat oscillating blade for cutting fabrics up to 59.5 mm thick. Thickness: 1,5 mm. Composition: HSS - High speed steel. Materials: Canvas, Carbon fibers, Foil, Glass fibers,... Add to cart
ESKO KONGSBERG BLADES Esko Kongsberg blade G42447284 / BLD-DR8180 / HTE-BLDDR8180 compatible for Esko... HTE-BLDDR8180 €29.90 Equivalent G42447284 / BLD-DR8180 Esko Kongsberg blade G42447284 / BLD-DR8180 / HTE-BLDDR8180 compatible for Esko Kongsberg automated cutting machine Description: Knife blade with 8mm cylindrical shaft for use with the RM (RIgidMaterial) knife tool. Good blade for cutting in rigid materials such as different gasket materials, forex, and solid... Add to cart
BASE 8 mm Ø Esko Kongsberg blade G42447235 / BLD-DR8160 / HTE-BLDDR8160 compatible for Esko... HTE-BLDDR8160 €29.90 Equivalent G42447235 / BLD-DR8160 Esko Kongsberg blade G42447235 / BLD-DR8160 / HTE-BLDDR8160 compatible for Esko Kongsberg automated cutting machine Description: Knife blade with 8mm cylindrical shaft for use with the RM (RigidMaterial) knife tool. 2 times 30 degrees angle. Can cut up to about 5-6mm thick materials. Composition: Tungsten Carbide... Add to cart
ESKO KONGSBERG BLADES Esko Kongsberg blade G34094466 / BLD-SR8180 / HTE-BLDSR8180 compatible for Esko... HTE-BLDSR8180 €29.90 Equivalent G34094466 / BLD-SR8180 Esko Kongsberg blade G34094466 / BLD-SR8180 / HTE-BLDSR8180 compatible for Esko Kongsberg automated cutting machine Description: Similar to SR8160 (HTE-BLDDR8160). The blunter angle reduces the risk for breaking the blade in tough materials, but gives more overcut with thicker materials Composition: Tungsten Carbide -... Add to cart
ESKO KONGSBERG BLADES Esko Kongsberg blade G42460394 / BLD-SR8170 / HTE-BLDSR8170 compatible for Esko... HTE-BLDSR8170 €29.90 Equivalent G42460394 / BLD-SR8170 Esko Kongsberg blade G42460394 / BLD-SR8170 / HTE-BLDSR8170 compatible for Esko Kongsberg automated cutting machine Description: Long life tungsten carbide blade for thinner flexible materials such as folding carton, polyester film, leather, vinyl and paper. For use in the RM Knife tool. Length: 40mm. Cylindrical... Add to cart
ESKO KONGSBERG BLADES Esko Kongsberg blade G34094458 / BLD-SR8160 / HTE-BLDSR8160 compatible for Esko... HTE-BLDSR8160 €29.90 Equivalent G34094458 / BLD-SR8160 Esko Kongsberg blade G34094458 / BLD-SR8160 / HTE-BLDSR8160 compatible for Esko Kongsberg automated cutting machine Description: Good blade for cutting in rigid materials such as different gasket materials, Forex and solid carton board Composition: Tungsten Carbide - HM - Hard Metal. Add to cart
ESKO KONGSBERG BLADES Esko Kongsberg blade G42455899 / BLD-SR8140 / HTE-BLDSR8140 compatible for Esko... HTE-BLDSR8140 €29.90 Equivalent G42455899 / BLD-SR8140 Esko Kongsberg blade G42455899 / BLD-SR8140 / HTE-BLDSR8140 compatible for Esko Kongsberg automated cutting machine Description: Good blade for cutting in different foam core materials Composition: Tungsten Carbide - HM - Hard Metal. Add to cart
ESKO KONGSBERG BLADES Esko Kongsberg blade G42460410 / BLD-SR6317 / HTE-BLDSR6317 compatible for Esko... HTE-BLDSR6317 €27.50 Equivalent G42460410 / BLD-SR6317 Esko Kongsberg blade G42460410 / BLD-SR6317 / HTE-BLDSR6317 compatible for Esko Kongsberg automated cutting machine Description: Similar to the SR6315 and SR6316 but even thinner blade optimiced for the finest details. Blade thickness 0.25mm. A more slender Tungsten Carbide blade giving less overcut. Excellent blade... Add to cart
ESKO KONGSBERG BLADES Esko Kongsberg blade G42441626 / BLD-SR6310 / HTE-BLDSR6310 compatible for Esko... HTE-BLDSR6310 €27.50 Equivalent G42441626 / BLD-SR6310 Esko Kongsberg blade G42441626 / BLD-SR6310 / HTE-BLDSR6310 compatible for Esko Kongsberg automated cutting machine Description: Gives nice results in thick and rigid paper-based materials, such as triple wall corrugated and Re-board, when used with the Multi Purpose High-Frequency Knife Tool. Composition: Tungsten... Add to cart
ESKO KONGSBERG BLADES Esko Kongsberg blade G42441642 / BLD-SR6303 / HTE-BLDSR6303 compatible for Esko... HTE-BLDSR6303 €27.50 Equivalent G42441642 / BLD-SR6303 Esko Kongsberg blade G42441642 / BLD-SR6303 / HTE-BLDSR6303 compatible for Esko Kongsberg automated cutting machine Description: Good blade for 15 and 20mm foam board in combination with the multi-purpose High-Frequency tool. Composition: Tungsten Carbide - HM - Hard Metal. Add to cart